Hi Phil the Fat Burner here and in this article I want to talk about the fastest way that you can start losing weight today and that’s by cutting sugar out of your diet.

When we have excess sugar in the bloodstream we release a hormone called insulin. Insulin takes that excess blood sugar and converts it into fat, so the less sugar we have, the better for weight loss.

So today I want to give you three strategies to start cutting sugar out of your diet.

Number one is eating real food, so your diet should mainly consist of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables and healthy fats such as avocado, oils, nuts and eggs. What we want to be doing is ditching all the processed foods. So we want to get rid of pastries, cereals, chips, lollies etc.

Number two strategy is to cut sugary drinks out of your diet. So that includes all your soft drinks, diet soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks, cordial and cutting sugar out of your coffee.

The number three strategy is to re-think your breakfast. There’s a lot of hidden sugar in our breakfast, this mainly includes breakfast cereals and white bread. Muesli and variations of porridge also hidden contain sugar. You’re also going to be adding milk and kinds of milk also have sugar.

So you could replace your breakfast with natural foods such as eggs with fruits or vegetables in omelettes and healthy fats such as oils, avocado or nuts. This is going to be a better option because you’ve got lean protein, low energy carbs and healthy fats.

So those three strategies again: Eat real food, replace your sugary drinks and also re-think your breakfast rather than having cereals try going with lean proteins, low energy carbs and healthy fats. That’s it for this article, I hope it was helpful and I’ll chat to you next time.