Hi, Phil the fat burner here. In today’s video I want to talk to you about whether you should or shouldn’t count calories to lose weight. Everything we eat and drink contains calories and everything we do burns calories. From weight training, cardio to daily tasks like standing, walking and talking.

To lose weight you need to burn more calories than what you consume. This can be done in a number of ways, by burning more calories through exercise, eating less calories than what you need or a combination of both. The other problem with this argument is not all calories are created equal. If one person was to eat fifteen hundred calories of healthy food per day, and the next person was to eat fifteen hundred calories of junk food per day, the first person will definitely look and feel better in the long term.

The other problem with this equation as well is that fifteen hundred calories of healthy food would be quite a large volume of food and very difficult to over eat, where as fifteen hundred calories of unhealthy food would be quite a low volume of food and easy to over eat. That’s because generally speaking, healthy food has less calories per gram than unhealthy food. The flip side of this argument though is that if you were to eat a thousand calories more than what your body needs per day, to doesn’t matter whether that food is healthy food or unhealthy food. You’re still going to gain weight.

So, should you or shouldn’t you count calories? In my opinion, there’s no need to count calories. If you just concentrate on eating healthy foods and eating those foods in the appropriate serving sizes, it’s easy to keep those calories under control. So who should and shouldn’t be counting calories? If you’re a busy person with a busy lifestyle, it’s just not practical to be out away and measure your food every time you eat. Definitely not sustainable in the long term and probably not suited to your lifestyle.

If you’re someone who’s getting ready for a body building comp that might be a more appropriate situation to start measuring your food, counting your calories and looking at working at macros. For the average person who just wants to lose weight, tine it up and keep it off, you should just concentrate on making healthy food choices, eating those foods in the correct portion sixes and staying consistent. That’s it for this training video.

If you need more help with anything, feel free to download my 7-day fat loss meal plan from the link below…
