
This is an amazing transformation for my client Cirstyn. Cirstyn had been training for a long time and trying to eat healthy, but she just wasn’t seeing results, so she came to me to do the Good Life 12 Week Challenge. In that 12 weeks, she managed to lose 13 kilos and 47 centimeters.

When we first sat down, I realized that even though she’d been working hard, she’d been doing all the wrong type of exercise and eating all the wrong types of foods. For her training, she’d mainly been doing cardio training with zero weights.

First off, she would train with me twice a week. We did heavy weight training, followed by high intensity interval training. When she was on her own, I wrote her a program where she’d do high intensity circuit training followed by high intensity cardio.

She’d train five days a week and have two days off. We’d write down all the weights that she lifted to make sure that she’s progressing every week, and I’d update her program every four weeks.

For her nutrition, she wasn’t eating enough protein and eating way too many processed and starchy carbohydrates. The first thing we did was make sure she had protein in every meal. We decreased her intake of bread, rice, pasta, and cereal, and increased her intake of vegetables. We also wanted to start adding some healthy fats into her diet, such as avocado, nuts, and oils.

Over the 12 weeks, she kept a food diary, which I would check each week. I allowed her to have one cheat meal per week. She decided that she didn’t want to have any cheat meal. After the 12 weeks, once she’d formed healthy habits, we decided that she no longer needed to keep a food diary.

Cirstyn was one of the most determined and hard working clients I’ve ever had, you can see by her results and it was a transformation that really makes me proud.

To find out more about my small group training click the picture below
