Hi. Phil the fat burner here. Here in this video, I want to talk about not comparing yourself to others in the gym. What I’ve found in my experience as a personal trainer, especially around small group training sessions is that most people do tend to compare themselves to other people. When they’re not achieving the same results they start to get really disappointed. When they get really disappointed, they start to get demotivated, and that definitely affects the results that they’re going to get.
The reality is that everyone’s different. Everyone is different genetically and everyone’s going to be different at different exercises. Everyone’s body is going to change in different ways. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot you can do about it. What you can do, is rather than comparing yourself to others, focus on improving yourself.
A few examples I’m going to give here is when it comes to getting stronger, it’s very easy to compare yourself when you’re not quite getting the gains that you’re after, comparing yourself to somebody else who is much stronger than you, and getting really demotivated at which point when you’re not lifting the same weight. Rather what you should do, is focus on the weights that you’re lifting, focus on making improvements, and celebrate the little victories along the way.
The other major example I’m going to give you is definitely physically and how you look physically. People tend to pick out someone that they really want to look like. Then they don’t look that way, or they’re not quite getting those same results, and they start to get really demotivated. Like I said, the reality is everyone is different genetically.
Everyone’s going to grow muscle at faster rate, or lose weight at a faster rate than others. People are also going to grow muscle in different areas. Some people are going to be more upper body dominated and some people are going to be lower body dominated. People who’ve been overweight before can tend to gain weight again. People who have never been overweight in their life tend to have faster metabolism. Rather than comparing yourself to others, focus on improving yourself and where you can make improvements, and celebrate all your little victories along the way.
Now there are times where I think it would be appropriate to compare yourself to others is where you’re going to use it as motivation. Where you pick someone out and you go, “Yes, I want to be like them. I’m not going to get demotivated when I get the same results. I’m just going to focus and use them as my inspiration.”
That’s it for this training video. If you need help with exercises and diet, below this video there will be a link where you can register for a free trial session in my small group training program.
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