Hi Phil The Fat Burner here. In this video I want to talk about the best diet to lose weight. Now there’s plenty of diets out there to choose from. You have zone diet, paleo diet, if it fits your macros, low carb, low fat, you have sugar free, gluten free, Mediterranean diet, you have vegetarian diets, you have calorie counting diets.

Which is the best diet to lose weight? Well it depends. It depends on the individual. There’s been studies out there that have proven that all those diets that I just mentioned they will all help you lose weight. However there is one factor that’s going to determine whether that diet will work for you, and that’s your ability to stick to the diet.

You need to choose a diet that you believe you can stick to and be consistent with that diet. The factors that are going to determine whether the diet is right for you is going to be your lifestyle factors, how much time you have to stick to the diet. Some can be more time consuming then others. Your food preferences and food choices are going to determine what sort of diet is going to be best for you. Also your personality type and how you like to track. You may be a numbers person, who likes to track numbers, or you may be the opposite and just like to write things down.

I’ve just had an eight week challenge, and my three best eight week challengers all followed three different diets. One followed just a typical low carb diet, one the zone diet, and the other one used my fitness pal to track all his food.

Now all diets have three things in common that’s going to determine if they’re a good diet or not. First one is most good diets will ask you to track what you’re eating, initially at the start so you can monitor your food choices. There also going to allow for calorie control, or portion control to make sure that you’re eating less than what your body needs. Which is going to help you lose weight. All good diets usually recommend having more natural foods over processed foods.

Just to recap on that. The best diet is the diet that you’re going to be able to stick to. That’s going to be determined on our food preferences, your lifestyle, and your personality type. Then all good diets have three things in common. They’ll ask you to track your food to make sure you’re sticking to it, they’re going to have calorie control or portion control to make sure you’re eating less than what your body needs, and they’re usually going to ask you to eat more natural foods over processed foods. Which is also going to help you look better as well.

That’s it for this video. Hope it’s helpful, and I’ll see you next time.