This is an amazing transformation by my client, Akin. Akin lost 10 kilos in 8 weeks. When Akin was younger, he played a lot of sport, therefore, he was always in shape. However, he always had poor eating habits.
Now that he was older and stopped playing sport, he gained a lot of weight because he had the same poor eating habits. My main concern was that Akin was overeating, so I got him to count his calories through the whole 8 weeks.
His diet mainly consisted of lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and then only starchy carbs after he trained. His training session involved heavy weight training, followed by circuit training and interval training hill sprints outdoors.
Akin trained with me 3 days a week. He didn’t do any other training on his own, but when I gave him the amount of calories that he needed to eat, he stuck to it 100% and that’s why he’s gotten such great results so quickly.
For those interested in small group training we’re offering a FREE FITNESS TEST DRIVE so you don’t make any decisions without putting our services to the test first.
This includes an assessment of your fitness goals, a 45 minute small group training session and nutrition consultation explaining how you can lose that unwanted fat for good.
To find out more click the picture below.
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