Recipe of the week: Chocolate nut pancakes

  Recipe of the week: Chocolate nut pancakes   Ingredients: 25g coconut flour 25g chocolate flavour whey or rice protein powder 30g whole porridge oats (use gluten free oats if preferred) 2 medium sized eggs 1 egg white 1 tsp cocoa powder 1 tsp stevia (or natural sweetener of your choice) 20g dark chocolate (minimum [...]

By |March 31st, 2017|nutrition|0 Comments

Recipe of the week: Fish & Salsa

Recipe of the week: Fish & Salsa Serves 2 Ingredients: 2 pieces of white fish (we used fresh hoki fillets) 1 tomato 1 small yellow capsicum 1/4 red onion 1/2 cup chopped mango (we used from frozen mango section) 1/2 small cucumber 2 small sweet potato 1 tablespoon coconut oil Method: 1.Chop up tomato, onion, [...]

By |March 27th, 2017|nutrition|0 Comments

Benefits of the paleo diet

A Paleo diet is basically a caveman diet where we will only eat foods that were available to cavemen over 2000 years ago, before we started to farm our animals and farm our food. Now, there's numerous resources on the internet where you can find exactly what's not allowed in the diet and what's not [...]

By |October 4th, 2016|nutrition|0 Comments

Akin’s transformation

This is an amazing transformation by my client, Akin. Akin lost 10 kilos in 8 weeks. When Akin was younger, he played a lot of sport, therefore, he was always in shape. However, he always had poor eating habits. Now that he was older and stopped playing sport, he gained a lot of weight because [...]

By |October 4th, 2016|nutrition|0 Comments

The importance of protein

I want to talk about protein and the importance for muscle development but also for fat loss. When we train in the gym essentially what we're doing is we're tearing our muscle fibers apart then when we go home, we rest and recover, those muscle fibers, they grow bigger and stronger than what they were [...]

By |September 23rd, 2016|nutrition|0 Comments

The key to weight loss

The key to weight loss is controlling blood sugar levels, when we eat carbohydrates our body turns that carbohydrate into blood sugar. Blood sugar is our main energy source as human beings, so we need it to survive. The problems arise though when blood sugar levels rise too quickly, so when blood sugar levels rise [...]

By |September 21st, 2016|nutrition|0 Comments

When and when not to eat carbs

I want to talk about carbohydrates and when to eat them and when to not eat them. When I sit down with a new client, the biggest thing I see usually is that people just consume way too many carbohydrates. With carbohydrates, there's two type of carbohydrates. Simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple carbs, they're [...]

By |August 27th, 2016|nutrition|0 Comments

Biggest missing link for people trying to lose weight

Today I want to talk about what I think is the biggest missing link to people trying to lose weight and that is definitely consistency. When I talk about trying to lose weight, I talk about there's five keys, and that is weight training, cardio, nutrition, accountability, and support. What I've found is that most [...]

By |August 6th, 2016|mindset, nutrition|0 Comments

Why making big changes is stopping you getting results

Hey guys. Phil the Fat Burner here. In this video I want to share with you why making big changes is stopping you from getting results. What I've found with most people is when they first sign up for the gym or sign up with their personal trainer they try to change every single thing [...]

By |July 23rd, 2016|exercise, mindset, nutrition|0 Comments

Number one accountability tool to help you lose weight

Hi, Phil the Fat Burner here. In this video, I want to talk about the number one accountability tool for losing weight, and that is the food and exercise diary. It amazes me how many people don't keep a food and exercise diary when trying to lose weight. It's such a powerful tool, and the [...]

By |July 19th, 2016|exercise, mindset, nutrition|0 Comments
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