The key to weight loss is controlling blood sugar levels, when we eat carbohydrates our body turns that carbohydrate into blood sugar. Blood sugar is our main energy source as human beings, so we need it to survive.
The problems arise though when blood sugar levels rise too quickly, so when blood sugar levels rise too quickly, we release a hormone called insulin and insulin takes that excess blood sugar and stores it in three places. Either our muscles, our liver, or our fat cells.
The problem is our muscles and our liver have a limited storage capacity and that fat cells have an unlimited storage capacity, so when blood sugar levels get too high, we’re most likely going to store it as fat.
Therefore, we need to know what carbohydrates are going to raise blood sugar levels quickly and which ones aren’t going to give a steady rise to blood sugar levels. With carbohydrates we look at two types of carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.
As a general rule, simple carbohydrates are more likely to raise blood sugar levels quickly and complex carbohydrates are going to give a steady rise to blood sugar levels so they’re going to be better for weight loss.
With simple carbohydrates we’re talking about stuff like cookies, cakes, chips, soft drinks, all your processed carbohydrate type foods. If we were looking at complex carbohydrates, we’re talking about brown rice, brown pasta, brown bread, sweet potato, and vegetables.
If we want to control our blood sugar levels, what we want to be eating is mainly complex carbohydrates. When it comes to complex carbohydrates, our diet should mainly consist of vegetables, which are fibrous carbohydrates, and then some whole grains.
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