One of my goals is to take the guess work out of losing weight and toning up. So I want to give you all the tools you need to reach your fitness goals. So I’ve decided to give you my top 20 exercise and foods rules to lose weight and tone up fast. Follow these and you won’t be disappointed with the results.
- Train using the most “bang for your buck,” multi-joint movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press, shoulder press, pull ups, pushups, dips.
- Perform circuit training with little rest between sets to burn maximum amount of calories in shortest amount of time while still building muscle.
- Work harder. If you’re not getting results, you’re not working hard enough in the gym or the kitchen.
- Give priority to training the anaerobic energy system over the aerobic system. This means do more high intensity weight training over long slow cardio training.
- Do high-intensity sprint intervals for cardio. Two examples are 15 minutes of 30 seconds bike sprints then 30 seconds rest or 10 all out 1 minute sprints on the treadmill then 1 minute rest.
- Be as active as possible in daily life. Move more: Take regular brisk walks during the day, always take the stairs, park far away in any parking lot, do your own yard work & play with the kids.
- Do relaxing physical activity instead of sitting in front of the TV try yoga, stretching, foam rolling or mediation.
- Eliminate all processed foods from your diet– don’t eat them ever.
- Eliminate all trans-fats from your diet such as margarine, deep fried dishes & baked goods – they MUST be removed from the diet.
- Eat smart fat – eat omega-3 fat that comes from fish & wild meat.
- Take fish oil to boost omega-3 fat intake and ensure your omega-3 to omega-6 fat intake is balanced.
- Eat a diet with high-quality protein – The leanest protein sources are chicken, turkey & kangaroo.
- Eliminate wheat and avoid grains in favour of vegetables.
- Raise resting metabolic rate (the amount of calories the body burns at rest) by doing weight training and eating high-quality protein.
- Avoid high-glycemic carbs and eat only low-glycemic vegetables and berries.
- Drink a lot of water (at LEAST 3 liters a day) to stay hydrated and help detox the body.
- Avoid alcohol, juice, soft drink, and sports drinks. Stick to water and tea.
- Eat high-quality protein for breakfast. Avoid cereal and all processed foods.
- Eliminate all sugar from your diet. Its way more trouble than it’s worth if you want to lose weight.
- Make an effort to get enough sleep. An early-to-bed, early-to-rise sleep pattern has been shown to improve body composition.
Do you want to lose weight, tone up and feel good about yourself again? For those interested in personal/small group training I’m offering a Free Fitness Test Drive. This includes an assessment of your fitness goals, a 30 minute training session and consultation explaining how you can lose that unwanted bodyfat for good. For more details click here.
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